Web3j is the JVM integration library for EVM blockchains. It provides similar functionality to web3.js + Truffle in that supports the development, testing and deployment of Solidity contracts for the Java and Android platforms. The following deck provides a lot of background about the library https://4968969.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/4968969/Web3j%20overview%20June%202022.pdf.
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We have a couple of staff members working full-time on Web3j, this is primarily due to the EFs latest grant which covers the team for a couple of years.
As Optimism grows, there are like to be more JVM users, and they will in all likelihood be using Web3j to do this, as there is no other equivalent library for the JVM and Ethereum. We will endeavour to ensure that Web3j works with the Optimism stack.
Ethereum Foundation Grants and some profits from Web3 Labs are used to help fund the development.