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Browse all the past round projects and learn from the experts. Here you can find all the details about each project since RetroPGF 1 such as allocation, ranking, and number of votes.
RetroPGF 3
A collective of Ethereum's active core protocol contributors
OP Stack
663,853.62 OP
RetroPGF 3
RetroPGF 3
Solidity is a statically-typed curly-braces programming language for EVM chains
OP Stack
422,361.96 OP
RetroPGF 3
RetroPGF 3
Ethers.js is a simple, compact and complete library for everything Ethereum.
Developer Ecosystem
298,137.85 OP
RetroPGF 3
RetroPGF 3
RetroPGF 3
Hardhat is a development environment to build and deploy your Ethereum software
Developer Ecosystem
280,249.58 OP
Path 1: Newcomer to RetroPGF
3 Chapters · 30 Minutes
Guide 1: Introduction to RetroPGF
Lesson 1: What is RetroPGF? (Video & Text)
Lesson 2: Understanding the Optimism Ecosystem (Interactive Diagram & Quiz)
Lesson 3: Benefits of Participating in RetroPGF (Text & Case Studies)
Path 1: Newcomer to RetroPGF
3 Chapters · 30 Minutes
Guide 1: Introduction to RetroPGF
Lesson 1: What is RetroPGF? (Video & Text)
Lesson 2: Understanding the Optimism Ecosystem (Interactive Diagram & Quiz)
Lesson 3: Benefits of Participating in RetroPGF (Text & Case Studies)