This collection consists of 100 open source software projects that are essential dependencies of the Optimism tech stack. This software is critical to the success of the OP Stack. You can find the full list of projects, and the methodology with which they were selected, by clicking on the website link at the top of the profile page ⬆️
RetroPGF Received :
188,999.93 OP
Appears in:
1.89 ballots
All rewards will be split evenly between the 100 projects in the collection.
Funding these dependencies is important for several reasons. First, the success of the Optimism platform depends on the continued development and maintenance of these projects. Second, these projects are public goods that benefit the broader software development community, not just Optimism, and not just crypto. Third, by funding these dependencies through RetroPGF, we can ensure that the development and maintenance of these projects remains sustainable over the long term.
You can find the full list of projects by clicking on the website link at the top of the profile page ⬆️