ETHGlobal is the largest developer focused community in Ethereum. Most known for their hackathons, ETHGlobal has run 50+ hackathons around the world and online. To support builders at any point in their journey, ETHGlobal builds products for its developer community's success including: Hackathon (online/in-person), Guides (self-directed education), Summits (online/in-person), Jobs, and more.
RetroPGF Received :
230,005.52 OP
Appears in:
2.30 ballots
Over the last few years, we've been supporting Optimism, the Collective, and the OP Stack by continuously putting the technology in front of builders. We've seen 250+ projects built and deployed to Optimism Mainnet at our 2022 events and we organized and managed the Optimism Summit (, one of the first major pieces of education about the OP Stack.
In order to remove any barrier to entry to builders, ETHGlobal has never charged a fee to attend our hackathons, as a result, we are fully funded by our generous partners, like Optimism, who help support the work that we do directly.