A curated group of Ethereum builders creating products, prototypes, and tutorials to enrich the web3 ecosystem. We mentor developers and orgs through the SpeedRun and beyond.
RetroPGF Received :
224,174.11 OP
Appears in:
2.24 ballots
Somewhere between 6 and 600 but it changes daily. We are streaming ETH to about 60 devs but even those streams can pause while they go work on other things.
We prepare developers to build on Optimism with tools like Scaffold-Eth and educational material like SpeedRunEthereum.com! We are shipping forkable products like punkwallet and multisig(dot)lol that run on Optimism. We have even deployed experimental projects to Optimism like the onchain SVG NFT OE40s. (Did you know they have a built in public goods funding mechanism?)
At first it was all of Austin Griffith's airdrops but now we are funded by grants from the ecosystem, primarily from the EF.